Helena Schätzle (*1983) has been traveling extensively to various countries for years, where she lives for long periods of time and works intensively on socially critical topics. With her work “Die Zeit dazwischen” (The time in between), which was created in Eastern Europe, she was the winner of “gute aussichten”, a finalist in “The Aftermath Project” and the “Inge Morath Foundation”, and her book on the work was recognized as one of the best photo books by the Stiftung Buchkunst in 2013. Her work “Life after Survival” about Holocaust survivors and their families in Israel was published in 2016 with a foreword by Frank Walter Steinmeier and has since toured Germany as a traveling exhibition. The work was also awarded the first prize of the Alfred Fried Award. For twelve years, Helena Schätzle also worked on long-term projects in India and helped set up the NGO Photography Promotion Trust.

Helena Schaetzle
Dortmund, Germany