Marcus Simaitis was born in Lünen in 1979. After finishing secondary school, he decided to do something “hands-on” first and completed an apprenticeship as an industrial mechanic at Thyssen Krupp's steelworks in Dortmund. After working in the profession for a few years, however, he realized that he didn't want to do this job until he retired. On impulse, he enrolled at evening school to catch up on his A-levels. Afterwards he studied photography at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts, which he completed with a Master's degree.
During his studies, he already worked as a freelance photographer for the Westfälische Rundschau in Dortmund, the WAZ Fotopool and dpa. Today he photographs for media such as Stern, Der Spiegel, WirtschaftsWoche, Focus, WamS, Cicero and realizes business assignments for clients such as Thyssen Krupp, RWE, Vonovia, TÜV, ADAC, partly through agencies such as C3, Springer Corporate or Territory.
His great passion also lies in the implementation of foreign reports, which he realizes partly as freelance projects and partly for aid organizations such as World Vision and Help e.V.

Marcus Simaitis
Lünen, Germany